Marianos D. Karasis

J.D., hon. Lawyer, em. Professor at the Law School of Aristotle University Thessaloniki, corresponding Member of the Academy of Athens

Marianos D. Karasis studied law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He continued with his postgraduate studies at the Law School of the University of Heidelberg (1966-1968) and, having been awarded with a scholarship from the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), at the Law School of the Freie Universität Berlin, where he worked on his doctoral thesis under the supervision of Professor Arwed Blomeyer.

The PhD degree was conferred on him in 1974. He was elected and served as a lecturer of the Democritus University of Thrace (1976-1977) and then of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1978-1982). After having been elected and nominated as a docent (1982) at the same Law School and given tenure (1982), he was elected as a full Professor in September 1988. In this position he served until August 2007.

In the years 1995-2007 he also served as a member of the teaching stuff of the National School of Judges. Besides, he has been an academic member of the Supreme Special Court of Art. 100 of the Greek Constitution for many years.
Dr. Karasis’ academic work consists of numerous monographs and essays in the field of dogmatic Civil Law (in the Greek and German language), also extending to the neighbouring fields of the Theory of Law (Philosophy and Methodology of Law). In recognition of the whole of his contribution to the field of legal research the Academy of Athens elected and nominated him as its Corresponding Member in February 2004. He was also honored with the “Panagiotis Foteas” Award for his entire work in March 2007.

Dr. Karasis has been a member of the Athens Bar Association (1965) and later of the Thessaloniki Bar Association until 2009. The latter awarded him the title of its honorary member in 2010.
Currently Dr. Karasis’ work is mainly consultative and advisory in the whole area of private law (with emphasis in civil and commercial law).

Marianos D. Karasis

Mitropoleos 13
Τ.Κ 54624
Phone: 2310 266 573