Evangelia N. Podimata

J.D., Lawyer, Professor at the Law School of Aristotle University Thessaloniki

Evangelia N. Podimata, born in Volos, Greece.
Educated at the 2nd State Secondary School, Volos (1971-1977); Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Law (1977-1981), LL.B; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1985-1989),Ph.D.

The main part of her doctoral dissertation research was carried out at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg (Germany) and at the Law School of the University of Hamburg (1984-1985).

Assistant of Civil Procedure, University of Thessaloniki (1982-1989; in the years 1984/85 was granted a sabbatical leave to carry out her doctoral research in Germany). Elected Lecturer of Civil Procedure (1990-1995); elected Assistant Professor of Civil Procedure (1996-2002); elected Associate Professor of Civil Procedure (2003-2012); elected full Professor (2012- ), University of Thessaloniki.

Member of the Thessaloniki Bar Association (in practice since 1984).
Member of the Supreme Court of Art. 88 § 2 of Greek Constitution (2014-2015). Member of the Greek Association of Civil Procedure (since 1989); Member of the Society for European Contract Law (since 2004); Member of the Wissenschaftliche
Vereinigung für Internationales Verfahrensrecht (since 2009); Member of the European Law Institute (since 2012); Member of the International Association of Procedural Law (since 2014).

Main research areas: Proceedings in first instance, exceptions and defenses raised by the defendant, the res judicata effect of judgments, orders for payment (under Greek and European law), reopening of default decisions, methods of execution, remedies against unlawful execution proceedings, Civil Procedure on the European level.

List of Principal Publications


  • The Sentence to a Declaration of Will under Art. 949 grCCivProc (in Greek), Diss., Sakkoulas, Thessaloniki, 1990.
  • Issues regarding Opposition to Enforcement Proceedings (in Greek), Sakkoulas, Thessaloniki, 1991.
  • The Res Judicata Effect: Claim and Issue Preclusion (in Greek), Sakkoulas Publications, Athens/Thessaloniki, I (1995); II (2002).
  • European Order for Payment Procedure under Regulation (EC) 1896/2006 (in Greek), Sakkoulas Publications, Athens/Thessaloniki, 2011.
  • Essays on procedural law in a historical, methodological and dogmatic perspective (in Greek), Sakkoulas Publications, Athens/Thessaloniki (2019).

Article-by-Article Commentary

  • Kerameus/ Kondylis/ Nikas (- Podimata), Greek Code of Civil Procedure, Article-by-Article Commentary, II (2000), Artt. 591-662 H and Supplement (2001) (in Greek).

Articles (indicatively mentioned)

  • Standard Contract Terms and Rules on Procedure, Essays in Honour of Konstantinos Kerameus I (2009) 1079-1105.
  • Preliminary or Summary Proceedings: Scope and Importance in Greek Civil Procedure (in co-operation with P. Yessiou-Faltsi), Revue Hellénique de Droit International, 57 (2004) 383-421.
  • Reopening of default decisions. Critical issues arising under the laws 2145/1993 and 2207/1994, NOMOS 5(1998), Aphieroma to Al. Kiantou-Pambouki, pp. 493-531 (in Greek).
  • Reopening of a default decision and regular appeal under law 2915/2001, in: The Code of Civil Procedure under law 2915/2001, Thessaloniki, 2002, pp. 109-128(in Greek).
  • Garnishment Proceedings under Decree 356/1974 and under Artt. 982 et seq. CCProc. compared. An evaluation of the differences, Ellikini Dikaiosyni 2000, pp. 1517-1538(in Greek).
  • Legal Reasoning by Teleology (Teleological Interpretation), Book Review on G. Mitsopoulos Thèmes de la Théorie Générale et de la Logique du Droit (in Greek and in French), Nomiko Vima 2007, pp. 1994-2018(in Greek).
  • Some Thoughts on the Proportionality Principle according to the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and its impact on the Greek jurisprudence, in: The Civil Process in the light of the case law of the ECtHR and the ECJ , Symposium in Honour of Prof. Kerameus (in Greek), 2008, pp. 239-256.
  • The Principle of Proportionality. A Methodological Guideline developed under the Judgment of Areopag (Plenary Session) 6/2009 (in Greek), Nomiko Vima 2010, pp. 600-622 (in Greek).
  • Limitations concerning the admittance of witness’s testimony under Artt. 393-394 Greek CCProc. Evaluating the amendments under law 2915/2001 (in Greek), Aphieroma P. Yessiou-Faltsi II (2007), pp. 1273-2008.
  • Case Management and Party Control under Law 3994/2011. Surveying the new legal landscape (in Greek), Epitheorisi Politikis Dikonomias 2013, pp. 4-27.
  • European Certificate of Succession under Regulation (EU) 650/2012 (in Greek), Harmenopoulos 2014, pp. 424-453.
  • Commentary on (private) Mediation, presented at the International Congress organized by the IAPL in Athens in September 2013 (in Greek) (to be published).
  • Commentary on Articles 623-646 (Orders of Payment and Orders of Return to the Lessor of the Leased Land) under the new Proposal (February 2014) for the Reform of the Greek Code of Civil Procedure (in Greek), Epitheorisi Politikis Dikonomias 2014, pp. 230-239.
  • Methodological Foundations of the Proportionality Principle (Some thoughts from the viewpoint of civil law (to be published).
  • Special Proceedings regarding matrimonial matters, parent-child disputes and matters related to cohabitation agreements (Procedural background and special remarks on Artt. 592-613 under the recent Law 4335/2015 for the reform of the Greek Code of Civil Procedure), Essays in honour of Prof. E. Kounouyeri-Manoledaki (to be published).

Evangelia N. Podimata

Mitropoleos 13
Τ.Κ 54624
Phone: 2310 266 573
Email: podimata@law.auth.gr